Set Up ObjectiveFS With Microsoft Azure GovCloud

This document covers the steps to set up your ObjectiveFS filesystem with Microsoft Azure GovCloud.

What You Need

  1. Your Azure Storage account name and access key (how to get your Azure keys)
  2. ObjectiveFS license key from the Filesystem section on your profile page
  3. ObjectiveFS software installed on your machine (see Quick Start)


  1. Configure Objectivefs

    $ sudo mount.objectivefs config az-gov://
    Creating config for Microsoft Govcloud in /etc/objectivefs.env
    Enter ObjectiveFS license: <your ObjectiveFS license>
    Enter Storage Account Name: <your storage account name>
    Enter Secret Key: <Access key from your Azure storage account>

  2. Create your filesystem (one-time only)

    • Choose a unique filesystem name. ObjectiveFS will create a new bucket with this name.
    • Choose a strong passphrase, write it down and store it somewhere safe.
      IMPORTANT: Without the passphrase, there is no way to recover any files.

    $ sudo mount.objectivefs create <your filesystem name>
    Passphrase (for az-gov://<filesystem>): <your passphrase>
    Verify passphrase (for az-gov://<filesystem>): <your passphrase>

  3. Mount your filesystem
    Mount your filesystem on an existing empty directory, e.g. /ofs. The ObjectiveFS process will run in the background. The command below uses the mkdir and mt mount options.

    $ sudo mount.objectivefs -omkdir,mt <your filesystem name> /ofs
    Passphrase (for az-gov://<filesystem>): <your passphrase>

  4. [Optional] Multi-server setup
    Mount this filesystem on as many servers as you wish by running steps 1 and 3 on each server after installing ObjectiveFS. Each server can read and write to the same filesystem at the same time.

If you have questions, please email us at

Last updated by ObjectiveFS staff, February 14, 2023

ObjectiveFS is a shared filesystem for Linux and macOS that automatically scales up and out with high performance. In production use by Fortune 500 companies since 2013.