ObjectiveFS supports S3 Intelligent Tiering. The supported tiers include all automatically enabled tiers such as Frequent Access tier, Infrequent Access tier and Archive Instant Access tier. The optional tiers such as Archive Access tier and Deep Archive Access tier are not supported.
This document describes the steps to enable intelligent tiering on your S3 bucket.
Go to AWS Console https://console.aws.amazon.com/s3
Select your S3 bucket
Select the Management tab
In Lifecycle rules, click on Create lifecycle rule
In Lifecycle rule configuration, enter a rule name (e.g. enable intelligent tiering) and choose Apply to all objects in the bucket
In Lifecycle rule actions, select Transition current versions of objects between storage classes
In Transition current versions of objects between storage classes, select Intelligent-Tiering under Choose storage class transitions and set the number of days (e.g. 1).
Select Create rule to create the lifecycle rule.
Note: Do not use the “Intelligent-Tiering Archive configuration” in the “Properties” tab. This will select the optional archival tiers that are not supported.
by ObjectiveFS staff, Jan 14, 2025
ObjectiveFS is a shared file system for macOS and Linux that automatically scales and gives you scalable cloud storage.
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