ObjectiveFS supports IAM roles on EC2 instances, so you can use IAM roles instead of AWS keys to run your ObjectiveFS filesystem.
AWS EC2 Management Console
→ Select the EC2 Instance
→ Actions
→ Instance Settings
→ Attach/Replace IAM role
→ Add the appropriate IAM role on the EC2 instance
Configure your credentials.
If ‘/etc/objectivefs.env’ already exists, you can rename it.
$ sudo mount.objectivefs config -i
Enter ObjectiveFS license: your objectivefs license key
Enter Metadata Host []: <your metadata host ip>
Enter Default Region (optional): <S3 or GCS region>
You can run all ObjectiveFS commands as usual.
last updated by ObjectiveFS staff, November 18, 2017
ObjectiveFS is a shared file system for Linux and OS X that automatically scales and gives you scalable cloud storage.
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