This article provides an example of using Terraform to set up your ObjectiveFS filesystem on an AWS EC2 instance. This example shows the setup for an i3.xlarge
instance type and uses the NVMe SSD as a disk cache.
to your ObjectiveFS license keyTF_VAR_OBJECTIVEFS_PASSPHRASE
to your filesystem’s passphraseuser_data
(including your Objectivefs license and passphrase) in terraform.tfstate
. Please store this file safely to protect your credentials.1. Add the following code in
Note: Fill in the <DATA>
field with the appropriate information.
data "template_file" "cloudinit" {
template = "${file("${path.module}/cloudinit.tpl")}"
vars {
ofs_passphrase = "${var.OBJECTIVEFS_PASSPHRASE}"
ofs_license = "${var.OBJECTIVEFS_LICENSE}"
ofs_filesystem = "<FILESYSTEM-NAME>"
data "template_cloudinit_config" "cloudinit" {
base64_encode = true
part {
content = "${data.template_file.cloudinit.rendered}"
resource "aws_instance" "instance" {
ami = "<AMI-ID>"
instance_type = "i3.xlarge"
subnet_id = "<SUBNET-ID>"
vpc_security_group_ids = ["<SECURITY-GROUPS"]
iam_instance_profile = "<IAM-ROLE>"
user_data = "${data.template_cloudinit_config.cloudinit.rendered}"
2. Create a file called cloudinit.tpl
with the following content.
- path: "/etc/objectivefs.env/AWS_METADATA_HOST"
content: ""
permissions: "0400"
owner: "root"
- path: "/etc/objectivefs.env/DISKCACHE_SIZE"
content: "1P"
permissions: "0400"
owner: "root"
- path: "/etc/objectivefs.env/DISKCACHE_PATH"
content: "/media/ephemeral0/objectivefs"
permissions: "0400"
owner: "root"
- path: "/etc/objectivefs.env/OBJECTIVEFS_LICENSE"
content: "${ofs_license}"
permissions: "0400"
owner: "root"
- path: "/etc/objectivefs.env/OBJECTIVEFS_PASSPHRASE"
content: "${ofs_passphrase}"
permissions: "0400"
owner: "root"
- mkdir /ofs
- mkfs.ext4 -E nodiscard /dev/nvme0n1
- echo /dev/nvme0n1 /media auto defaults,nofail,discard 0 2 >> /etc/fstab
- echo ${ofs_filesystem} /ofs objectivefs _netdev,auto 0 0 >> /etc/fstab
- mount -a
3. Running terraform apply
will now create an i3.xlarge EC2 instance with ObjectiveFS and NVMe disk cache mounted.
# terraform plan
[ check that everything looks ok ]
# terraform apply
by ObjectiveFS staff, September 25, 2017
ObjectiveFS is a shared file system for Linux and OS X that automatically scales and gives you scalable cloud storage.
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